All lowercase text

Our tool will convert all text letters from uppercase to lowercase, preserving accents, spaces, line breaks and punctuation.

All uppercase text

The tool will convert all lowercase letters to uppercase, preserving all content such as accents, spaces, line breaks and punctuation.

First capital letter in all words

The code will scan the text looking for spaces and line breaks, any letter that comes after the space or line break will be capitalized, so all words will have their first letter capitalized.

First letter capitalized in every sentence

We will scan all the text looking for line breaks and full stops, any letter that comes after the line break or full stop will be converted to uppercase, so all sentences will have their first letter in uppercase.

Clear spaces on the sides

Let's check if the text has some white space, invisible, on the right and left. If there are spaces, the tool will remove only the spaces and keep the original content.

Clear all extra spaces

The tool will scan all the text looking for any extra space, even triple space and even more. If found, it will replace the extra spaces with just one space, keeping the original content and clean text.

Remove line breaks

Any line breaks or paragraphs will be removed by the cleaner. This way, the text will be compressed into just one line, preserving all the content.

Convert text to base64

Our code will track all text, including spaces, punctuation, line breaks and even accents, and will convert to base64.

Decode base64 to text

The tool will convert any string that is in base64 to normal text, so that the content is convertible to text. If it is binary content, the tool will not be able to.

Convert text to url

All text characters that can be converted to url format will be converted, other characters will be kept, making the text be recognized as url by any browser.

Encrypt text

You can put a password on the text and it will be encrypted using the password and encryption with AES standard. This way, only someone else who has the password will be able to decrypt the text and read the content.

Decrypt text

If you have a text that has been encrypted in AES format, and you have the password, just put the text and the password in the boxes and our tool will decrypt it, so you can read the content.

Generate QR Code

A QR Code image will be created based on the text you entered, that is, the QR Code will contain the text. So you can share the text via QR Code with whoever you want.

Count words, paragraphs and characters

Just put the text in the box and the tool will show you how many words, paragraphs and characters the text contains.

Text Fixer

The idea of this app is to give you a fast way to do small tasks that might show up on your job, specially if you work at an office job. Well, obviously this is pretty simple, and it's not a full text editor, but I hope it can help you some times.

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